Attorney Thomas Cesta
As a contract litigation attorney, I represent businesses In Ohio and Arizona when the loans they made have not been repaid. I always remember that the Defendants in these cases have had difficulties. I feel that when I can help them get back on track with paying my clients, everyone wins–credit scores improve, future loans will be at lower interest rates. Defendants that choose the quick-fix of bankruptcy may spend more in the end in the way of higher interest rates, and reduced credit options. I try to give them options to resolve the debt in a way that benefits my clients and their customers.
Being an attorney is important to me because I can help a lot of people get a fresh start. Resolving financial and legal concerns is important for everyone. My wife and I have four kids, so I definitely understand the difficulty of making a dollar stretch. My clients are businesses seeking recovery of the money they loaned; but more than that, they are the people who work in the business trying to feed their families and earn a living.
My firm handles cases in Arizona and In Ohio because I have strong roots in both states. I was born in Ohio, but I grew up in Arizona, and after active duty as a medic in the 82nd Airborne I returned to Arizona to attend ASU. My wife grew up in Ohio, but moved to Arizona in the 90s. And when we married I decided to attend law school in her home state of Ohio. After graduating law school in 2001, we returned to the valley of the sun for 15 years, then moved back again to Ohio, where we are today.
Ashley is a huge help to me. She prepares many of the files and documents I will review and file. She keeps me on track with timetables and deadlines. I couldn’t do it without her. Ashley has also been intimately involved with the IT department to create the program we use to ensure the proper and timely administration of the firm.

Office Help
Bob joins me at the office every day. He is not great with filing, and he tends to sleep on the job. But when I return from court he is always there to greet me.
Bob is a 125 lb French Mastiff, pit bull mix.